Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Needs, Morals and Questions

What would you do if you were to meet the 'maker'? God?
I would ask him to play chess with me, and if I win - I can be God. I'm sure I could beat him at Chess...

The outrageous amount of food that had infested my stomach did not allow me to make a sound while I lost control of myself while laughing, hence I had to reel from side to side and bang my fist on the table.

Well, I would have asked him whether the cow as a holy animal was your idea or was it the Hindu human's idea... coz damn, it's a sin not to have good access to good beef. Sigh.

So, what is it that we need?
Food, sleep, freedom, air.
Better roads would be good.
So would better people.
A walk away from the city would be nice too.
I have a problem with humans. I don't understand the unquenchable need for dominance which may be manifested in ways such as sex, torture, murder, molestation, disrespect, oppression.
One would assume that a human is just another creature that lives on the Earth but the nature of (hah, 'nature'!) our ability to control and influence sets us apart. I believe that humans no longer need hair, weak backs, nails, etc. Our rapid transformation has changed the way we use our bodies and hence we have messed with evolution.
In that process, we have not lost how the amygdala functions and that is just one of the things that ruins our behaviour in a very different world of the 21st century. May be it makes sense to be carnal and detached. May be it makes sense to be utterly selfish in a Galt sort of way. It makes sense to utilise our human resources towards more forms of research just for the fun of it instead of earning money which ceases to have meaningful utility beyond a certain point.

I want to travel. I want to write. I want to eat interesting food. Meet interesting people. Drink an interesting form of alcohol. Engage in an affair with an incredibly hot woman, preferably non-human. And yes, I would be OK with dying before I get to do any of that.

Why is it wrong to rape a woman whereas it is acceptable to see a dog raping a bitch? Raping female humans was not wrong 3000 + years ago. Marrying more than one female was also not wrong, not so long ago. Beating up women was also not wrong. Morals have changed.
What Hitler did is so ghastly even now for the Western world, but not so much for many parts of the Eastern World and I would think that many Africans would think of it as a much better way to die than in stories they have heard.
We tend to associate ourselves with certain forms of humans. If a woman was raped in a Middle Eastern country and a woman was raped in Sweden - the reactions to both stories would be vastly different even though both women are equally unknown to the reader in Indonesia.

Why are Saudi Arabians becoming obese? Why are many Africans frail? Why are women not interested in creating children? Why are men attracted to other men? What happened to all the painters and musicians? What is the utility of living life as a stock-trader? Why do some humans lose interest in sex? Why are some humans interested in having sex with children? Why do humans work multiple hours a day in less-than-contentment when they have sufficient money to live a good life? Why do people get married when marriage is a god-related institution and god-itself is perceived to be a myth by many humans? Why are there more temples/ shrines than public urinals in India? Why do we accept atrocities of the mental kind? What is wrong about breaking a human relationship? How does it matter if society does not see the good in you, when you know yourself to be fabulous? Why should we tip at the end of a meal when a tip before the meal makes more sense in terms of incentivizing the server?

I have many questions but I don't need answers to many of them. I have one life and I refuse to play along. But I secretly do.